Can Animal Spirit Tarot Decks Help You Find Your Animal Spirit Guide?

A meme of a cat spirit animal guide yelling at a human

The concept of spirit animals serves as a bridge between the physical and spiritual worlds. These animal guides are believed to offer individuals profound insights, guidance, and protection on their life journey. One powerful tool for connecting with these guides is the Animal Spirit Guide Tarot Cards. These cards can help uncover your spirit animal and tap into its wisdom.

These guides are spiritual entities represented by animals, each carrying symbolism, traits, and energies. They are believed to understand our soul’s journey deeply and can offer invaluable guidance in navigating life’s challenges. Whether it’s the wisdom of the owl, the bear’s strength, or the fox’s agility, each spirit animal brings a unique perspective and message tailored to our needs.

Tarot cards, on the other hand, are a powerful tool for divination and self-reflection. Comprising a deck of cards with rich symbolism and imagery, tarot decks have been used for centuries to gain insight into various aspects of life. When integrated into tarot cards, animal symbolism adds depth and meaning to the readings. Animal Spirit Guide Tarot Cards combine the wisdom of animal spirit guides with the interpretive framework of tarot, offering a unique approach to spiritual guidance and self-discovery.

Working with Animal Spirit Guide Tarot Cards can lead to profound personal growth and spiritual transformation. Connecting with your spirit animal may give you insights into your strengths, challenges, and life purpose. These cards serve as a reminder of the interconnectedness of all beings and the wisdom that resides within nature.

Using Animal Spirit Guide Tarot Cards involves a process of intention setting, intuition, and reflection. Begin by intending to connect with your spirit animal and gain guidance. As you shuffle the deck, focus on your question or intention, allowing your intuition to guide you. Draw a card and contemplate the animal depicted, paying attention to its symbolism and energies. Reflect on how these qualities relate to your life circumstances and inner experiences. Utilize the guidebook accompanying the deck to deepen your understanding of the card’s meaning and message. Trust in your intuition and allow the wisdom of your spirit animal to guide you on your journey.

Native American Traditions and Animal Spirit Guides 

A tapestry of Native American Animal Spirit Guides

In Native American cultures, spirit animal guides are important as sacred intermediaries between humans and the spirit world. These guides are believed to offer guidance, protection, and wisdom to individuals and communities. Each animal carries specific traits and symbolism, reflecting human nature and the natural world. For example, the eagle symbolizes strength, courage, and vision, while the bear embodies power, introspection, and healing. Through rituals, ceremonies, and storytelling, Native Americans honor and connect with their spirit animal guides, fostering a deep spiritual connection and reverence for the natural world.

A map of Animal Spirit Guides and Indigenous Traditions around the World 

Beyond Native American cultures, indigenous traditions worldwide also recognize the significance of spirit animal guides. In African cultures, for instance, animals are revered as messengers of the divine, embodying spiritual qualities and teachings. In Australian Aboriginal culture, the concept of “totem animals” serves a similar purpose, with each individual believed to have a spiritual connection to a specific animal. These traditions highlight the universal reverence for animals as symbols of wisdom, guidance, and spiritual connection, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries.

Ancient Civilizations and the Mythology of Animal Spirit Guides

A painting of a lion and Ancient Civilizations and the Mythology of Animal Spirit Guides

The cultural significance of spirit animal guides is also evident in the mythology and beliefs of ancient civilizations. In ancient Egypt, animals such as the cat, ibis, and jackal were revered as manifestations of gods and goddesses, embodying divine attributes and offering protection to their followers.  These animals often appear in Egyptian Tarot Cards. Similarly, in Greek mythology, animals played prominent roles as symbols of gods and goddesses, heroes, and mythical creatures. These ancient beliefs reflect the profound connection between humans and animals, recognizing their spiritual significance and symbolic importance in shaping cultural narratives and belief systems.

Modern Interpretations and Spiritual Practices with Animal Spirit Guides

A dog's Modern Interpretations and Spiritual Practices with Animal Spirit Guides

In contemporary society, the cultural significance of spirit animal guides continues to resonate, albeit in diverse and evolving ways. Many individuals draw upon the wisdom of spirit animals for personal growth, self-discovery, and spiritual guidance. Through meditation, visualization, and shamanic journeying, people seek to connect with their spirit animal guides, tapping into their innate wisdom and guidance. The symbolism of spirit animals has permeated popular culture, literature, and art, serving as powerful metaphors for exploring themes of identity, transformation, and interconnectedness.

10 Common Animal Spirit Guides and Their Symbolism

Animal spirit guides have long been revered for their symbolic significance and profound teachings across various cultures and spiritual traditions.

Spirit Animal Guide of a Wolf at night.

1. Wolf Animal Spirit Guide

Symbolizing loyalty, intuition, and teamwork, the wolf is a powerful spirit animal guide known for its strong sense of community and leadership. Wolves are revered for their keen instincts, unity within packs, and unwavering loyalty to their kin. The wolf, revered across cultures and mythologies, holds profound symbolism as an animal spirit guide.

Leadership and Loyalty: One of the most prominent qualities associated with the wolf is leadership. Wolves are known for their hierarchical social structure within packs, where they exhibit strong leadership skills and unwavering loyalty to their pack members. As an animal spirit guide, the wolf symbolizes the importance of leadership, teamwork, and loyalty in personal and professional endeavors. Those with the wolf as their spirit animal often possess natural leadership abilities and are fiercely loyal to their loved ones and communities.

Intuition and Instinct: Wolves are highly intuitive creatures, relying on their instincts to navigate their environment and make decisions. As an animal spirit guide, the wolf encourages individuals to trust their intuition and follow their inner guidance. Those with the wolf as their spirit animal are often deeply in tune with their instincts and possess a heightened sense of intuition. They trust their gut feelings and are adept at reading subtle cues from their surroundings.

Independence and Freedom: Despite their strong social bonds within packs, wolves value their independence and freedom. As an animal spirit guide, the wolf symbolizes the importance of balancing independence and community. Those with the wolf as their spirit animal cherish their freedom and autonomy while recognizing the value of collaboration and cooperation when working towards common goals.

Resilience and Adaptability: Wolves are renowned for their resilience and adaptability, thriving in various environments and conditions. As an animal spirit guide, the wolf teaches individuals the importance of resilience and adaptability. Those with the wolf as their spirit animal can often navigate life’s challenges with grace and perseverance, adapting to changing circumstances and emerging stronger from setbacks.

Spiritual Guidance and Wisdom: In many indigenous cultures, the wolf is revered as a spiritual guidance and wisdom symbol. Wolves are believed to possess a deep connection to the spiritual realm and are often seen as messengers from the divine. As an animal spirit guide, the wolf offers guidance, protection, and wisdom to those who seek its counsel. Those with the wolf as their spirit animal may experience profound spiritual insights and guidance in their lives, helping them to navigate their spiritual path with clarity and purpose.

An Eagle Animal Spirit Guide standing in front mountains.

2. Eagle Animal Spirit Guide

As a symbol of vision, freedom, and spiritual enlightenment, the eagle is prominent in many indigenous cultures. Eagles are famous for their keen eyesight, soaring abilities, and connection to the heavens, serving as messengers between the earthly realm and the divine. The eagle, known across cultures for its majestic presence and soaring capabilities, holds profound symbolism as an animal spirit guide.

Vision and Clarity: Its unparalleled vision and keen eyesight are central to the eagle’s symbolism. As an animal spirit guide, the eagle symbolizes clarity of vision, foresight, and the ability to see beyond the surface. Those with the eagle as their spirit animal often possess a heightened sense of perception and can discern the truth amidst confusion or uncertainty. The eagle encourages individuals to see things from a broader perspective and trust their inner vision and intuition.

Freedom and Independence: The eagle epitomizes freedom and independence, soaring high above the earth with grace and power. As an animal spirit guide, the eagle symbolizes the importance of freedom, independence, and self-reliance. Those with the eagle as their spirit animal value their autonomy and cherish the ability to chart their course in life. They are unafraid to break free from limitations or societal expectations and embrace their individuality with courage and conviction.

Courage and Strength: With its formidable wingspan and unwavering determination, the eagle embodies courage, strength, and resilience. As an animal spirit guide, the eagle inspires individuals to face challenges with bravery and fortitude. Those with the eagle as their spirit animal are often fearless in pursuing their goals and unyielding in the face of adversity. They draw strength from within and can overcome obstacles with grace and determination.

Spiritual Enlightenment and Connection to the Divine: The eagle symbolizes spiritual enlightenment and connection to the divine in many cultures. With its ability to soar to great heights and ascend to the heavens, the eagle represents transcendence and spiritual growth. As an animal spirit guide, the eagle offers guidance, protection, and wisdom to those who seek its counsel. Those with the eagle as their spirit animal may experience profound spiritual insights and a deep connection to the spiritual realm. They are often guided by intuition and possess a profound inner knowing.

A Bear Animal Spirit Guide in the forest.

3. Bear Animal Spirit Guide

Representing strength, protection, and introspection, the bear is a revered spirit animal guide known for its power and wisdom. Bears are symbols of resilience, courage, and the importance of taking time for introspection and self-care.  Bears in various cultures are known for strength, wisdom, and protective nature and hold profound symbolism as an animal spirit guide.

Strength and Courage: Central to the symbolism of the bear is its formidable strength and courage. As an animal spirit guide, the bear symbolizes inner strength, resilience, and the ability to overcome obstacles with courage and determination. Those with the bear as their spirit animal often possess a deep reservoir of inner strength and can face challenges head-on with unwavering resolve. The bear encourages individuals to tap into their inner power and to trust in their ability to navigate life’s challenges with courage and fortitude.

Protection and Nurturing: The bear is also associated with protective and nurturing qualities, particularly towards its young. As an animal spirit guide, the bear symbolizes the importance of nurturing and protecting oneself and others. Those with the bear as their spirit animal are often fiercely protective of their loved ones and are willing to go to great lengths to ensure their safety and well-being. The bear encourages individuals to cultivate a sense of security and safety and create nurturing environments where growth and healing can flourish.

Introspection and Inner Wisdom: Despite its imposing stature, the bear is known for its introspective nature and deep connection to the inner world. As an animal spirit guide, the bear symbolizes the importance of introspection, solitude, and inner wisdom. Those with the bear as their spirit animal are often drawn to introspective practices such as meditation, reflection, and self-exploration. They value solitude as a means of connecting with their inner selves and tapping into their innate wisdom. The bear encourages individuals to listen to their inner voice and trust in the guidance from within.

Transformation and Rebirth: In many indigenous cultures, the bear is associated with themes of transformation and rebirth. The bear symbolizes the cycles of life, death, and rebirth through its ability to hibernate and emerge renewed in the spring. As an animal spirit guide, the bear encourages individuals to embrace change and transformation as opportunities for growth and renewal. Those with the bear as their spirit animal may experience periods of introspection and transformation, emerging stronger and wiser from the process.

An Owl Animal Spirit Guide sitting on a branch.

4. Owl Animal Spirit Guide

Symbolizing wisdom, intuition, and insight, the owl is a mystical spirit animal guide associated with the night and the unseen. Owls can see beyond illusions, navigate the darkness, and uncover hidden truths. With its enigmatic presence and nocturnal wisdom, the owl holds profound symbolism as an animal spirit guide.

Wisdom and Knowledge: Central to the symbolism of the owl is its association with wisdom and knowledge. As an animal spirit guide, the owl symbolizes the importance of seeking truth, understanding, and enlightenment. Those with the owl as their spirit animal are often drawn to the pursuit of knowledge and possess a deep well of wisdom within themselves. The owl encourages individuals to trust their intuition and inner knowing, guiding them toward greater understanding and insight.

Intuition and Clairvoyance: The owl is revered for its heightened senses and keen intuition. As an animal spirit guide, the owl symbolizes the importance of intuition, clairvoyance, and psychic abilities. Those with the owl as their spirit animal are often highly intuitive and attuned to subtle energies and messages from the universe. The owl encourages individuals to trust in their intuitive faculties and to pay attention to signs, synchronicities, and gut feelings that may guide them on their spiritual journey.

Clarity and Vision: With its ability to see in the darkness and navigate the night sky precisely, the owl symbolizes clarity of vision and insight. As an animal spirit guide, the owl offers clarity and perspective in times of uncertainty or confusion. Those with the owl as their spirit animal can often see beyond illusions and discern the truth amidst deception or ambiguity. The owl encourages individuals to trust their inner vision and see situations from a broader perspective.

Transition and Change: In many cultures, the owl is associated with themes of transition, change, and transformation. With its ability to adapt to different environments and fly silently through the night, the owl symbolizes the journey of the soul and the process of spiritual awakening. As an animal spirit guide, the owl guides individuals through periods of transition and transformation, offering support and guidance as they navigate life’s changes.


A Deer Animal Spirit Guide in front of graphics.

5. Deer Animal Spirit Guide

As a symbol of gentleness, grace, and sensitivity, the deer is a beloved spirit animal guide known for its nurturing qualities and connection to the natural world. Deer teaches us the importance of being in tune with our emotions, nurturing our relationships, and embracing our vulnerability. With its grace, gentleness, and sensitivity, the deer holds profound symbolism as an animal spirit guide.

Gentleness and Grace: Central to the symbolism of the deer is its gentle and graceful nature. As an animal spirit guide, the deer symbolizes the importance of approaching life with grace, kindness, and compassion. Those with the deer as their spirit animal are often empathetic and nurturing, embodying gentleness and sensitivity in their interactions with others and the world around them. The deer encourages individuals to cultivate a peaceful, harmonious existence grounded in compassion and understanding.

Sensitivity and Intuition: The deer is revered for its heightened senses and intuitive nature. As an animal spirit guide, the deer symbolizes the importance of sensitivity, intuition, and inner knowing. Those with the deer as their spirit animal are often highly attuned to their emotions and the energies of their surroundings, possessing a deep sense of intuition that guides them on their spiritual journey. The deer encourages individuals to trust their instincts and inner guidance, allowing their intuition to lead them toward greater understanding and self-discovery.

Spiritual Growth and Renewal: In many cultures, the deer is associated with themes of spiritual growth, renewal, and regeneration. With its ability to shed and regrow its antlers each year, the deer symbolizes the cyclical nature of life and the process of transformation. As an animal spirit guide, the deer guides individuals through periods of spiritual growth and renewal, encouraging them to embrace change and their inner potential. The deer encourages individuals to let go of what no longer serves them and to embrace new opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

Connection to Nature and the Divine: The deer symbolizes harmony and interconnectedness with its close connection to the natural world. As an animal spirit guide, the deer symbolizes the importance of connecting with nature and the divine. Those with the deer as their spirit animal often feel a deep connection to the earth and its inhabitants, recognizing the sacredness of all living beings. The deer encourages individuals to nurture their connection to the natural world and to find solace and wisdom in its beauty and abundance.

A black Snake Animal Spirit Guide symbol

6. Snake Animal Spirit Guide

Representing transformation, healing, and renewal, the snake is a potent spirit animal guide associated with shedding old skin and embracing new beginnings. Snakes are symbols of rebirth, regeneration, and the power of transformational change. With its mesmerizing presence and transformative capabilities, the snake holds profound symbolism as an animal spirit guide.

Transformation and Renewal: Central to the symbolism of the snake is its ability to shed its skin and undergo transformation. As an animal spirit guide, the snake symbolizes the importance of shedding the old and embracing the new. Those with the snake as their spirit animal often undergo periods of profound transformation and spiritual growth, shedding limiting beliefs, behaviors, and patterns to emerge renewed and revitalized. The snake encourages individuals to embrace change and trust in the transformation process as a means of personal evolution and growth.

Healing and Renewal: The snake is also associated with themes of healing and renewal in many cultures. The snake symbolizes healing and regeneration with its ability to shed its skin and emerge rejuvenated. As an animal spirit guide, the snake guides individuals through periods of healing and renewal, encouraging them to release past traumas and emotional baggage to embrace a new beginning. The snake reminds individuals of their innate ability to heal themselves and tap into their inner strength and resilience.

Intuition and Wisdom: With its keen senses and ability to sense vibrations, the snake is revered for its intuition and wisdom. As an animal spirit guide, the snake symbolizes the importance of trusting in one’s intuition and inner wisdom. Those with the snake as their spirit animal are often highly intuitive and attuned to subtle energies and messages from the universe. The snake encourages individuals to trust their instincts and listen to their inner voice’s whispers, guiding them toward greater understanding and self-discovery.

Symbol of Rebirth and Renewal: In many cultures, the snake symbolizes rebirth and renewal, which are associated with cycles of death and rebirth. As an animal spirit guide, the snake guides individuals through spiritual rebirth, encouraging them to embrace change and let go of what no longer serves them to create new growth and opportunities. The snake reminds individuals that endings are not the final chapter but the beginning of a new journey.

A beautiful Butterfly Animal Spirit Guide with tiny blue butterflies.

7. Butterfly Animal Spirit Guide

Symbolizing transformation, growth, and metamorphosis, the butterfly is a delicate yet powerful spirit animal guide associated with self-discovery and spiritual awakening. Butterflies remind us of the beauty of embracing change, trusting the process, and emerging from the cocoon transformed. The butterfly holds profound symbolism as an animal spirit guide.

Transformation and Metamorphosis: Central to the butterfly’s symbolism is its miraculous transformation from a humble caterpillar into a majestic butterfly. As an animal spirit guide, the butterfly symbolizes the power of transformation and the potential for personal growth and evolution. Those with the butterfly as their spirit animal often undergo profound changes or transitions, shedding old beliefs, behaviors, and patterns to emerge transformed and renewed. The butterfly encourages individuals to embrace change as a natural part of life’s journey and to trust in the process of transformation as a means of personal and spiritual growth.

Beauty and Grace: With its delicate wings and graceful flight, the butterfly is honored for its beauty and elegance. As an animal spirit guide, the butterfly symbolizes the importance of embracing one’s inner beauty and radiance. Those with the butterfly as their spirit animal are often drawn to beauty in all its forms, appreciating the beauty of nature, art, and the world around them. The butterfly encourages individuals to embrace their uniqueness and to allow their inner beauty to shine brightly for all to see.

Freedom and Liberation: As it takes flight and soars through the air, the butterfly symbolizes freedom and liberation from the constraints of the past. As an animal spirit guide, the butterfly guides individuals towards greater freedom and self-expression, encouraging them to break free from limitations and embrace their true selves. Those with the butterfly as their spirit animal are often drawn to experiences that bring them a sense of freedom and liberation, whether through travel, creative expression, or spiritual exploration. The butterfly reminds individuals that they can create reality and live on their own terms.

Spiritual Awakening and Enlightenment: In many cultures, the butterfly is seen as a symbol of spiritual awakening and enlightenment, associated with the journey of the soul and the pursuit of higher consciousness. As an animal spirit guide, the butterfly guides individuals on their spiritual journey, encouraging them to seek enlightenment and embrace their true spiritual nature. Those with the butterfly as their spirit animal may experience profound spiritual insights and revelations, leading them toward greater awareness, understanding, and connection to the divine.

a Dolphin Animal Spirit Guide swimming in the ocean

8. Dolphin Animal Spirit Guide

As a symbol of joy, harmony, and communication, the dolphin is a playful spirit animal guide known for its intelligence and social nature. Dolphins remind us of the importance of laughter, connection, and living in harmony with others and the environment. With its playful nature, intelligence, and deep connection to the ocean, the dolphin holds profound symbolism as an animal spirit guide.

Joy and Playfulness: Central to the symbolism of the dolphin is its playful and joyful nature. As an animal spirit guide, the dolphin symbolizes the importance of embracing joy, laughter, and playfulness in life. Those with the dolphin as their spirit animal are often drawn to experiences that bring them happiness and delight, finding joy in simple pleasures and the beauty of the natural world. The dolphin encourages individuals to approach life with lightness and spontaneity, reminding them to make time for fun and laughter amidst life’s challenges.

Harmony and Communication: With its complex vocalizations and social behavior, the dolphin is revered for its ability to communicate and form strong bonds with others. As an animal spirit guide, the dolphin symbolizes the importance of communication, harmony, and connection in relationships. Those with the dolphin as their spirit animal are often skilled communicators and empathetic listeners, fostering harmonious relationships and creating a sense of community wherever they go. The dolphin encourages individuals to communicate compassionately and understand, fostering deeper connections with others and the world around them.

Intelligence and Wisdom: The dolphin is also associated with intelligence, wisdom, and intuition traits. As an animal spirit guide, the dolphin symbolizes the importance of using intellect and intuition to navigate life’s challenges and opportunities. Those with the dolphin as their spirit animal are often highly intelligent and intuitive, possessing a deep well of wisdom within themselves. The dolphin encourages individuals to trust their inner guidance and use their intelligence and intuition to make wise decisions and choices.

Healing and Compassion: In many cultures, the dolphin is seen as a symbol of healing and compassion, associated with the power of the ocean to cleanse and renew the spirit. As an animal spirit guide, the dolphin guides individuals towards greater healing and self-care, encouraging them to embrace practices that nourish their mind, body, and soul. Those with the dolphin as their spirit animal may feel drawn to water as a source of solace and rejuvenation, finding peace and healing in its tranquil depths. The dolphin reminds individuals to be compassionate towards themselves and others, offering love, support, and healing wherever needed.

A Fox Animal Spirit Guide in jewels.

9. Fox Animal Spirit Guide

Representing cunning, adaptability, and cleverness, the fox is a versatile spirit animal guide known for its resourcefulness and agility. Foxes teach us the art of thinking outside the box, adapting to new situations, and finding creative solutions to challenges. With its cunning intelligence, adaptability, and agility, the fox holds profound symbolism as an animal spirit guide.

Cunning and Intelligence: Its renowned cunning and intelligence are central to the symbolism of the fox. As an animal spirit guide, the fox symbolizes the importance of using wit, cleverness, and strategic thinking to navigate life’s challenges. Those with the fox as their spirit animal are often quick thinkers and problem-solvers, adept at finding creative solutions to complex problems. The fox encourages individuals to trust their intellect and intuition, using their mental acuity to outsmart obstacles and achieve their goals.

Adaptability and Resourcefulness: With its ability to thrive in various environments and situations, the fox is revered for its adaptability and resourcefulness. As an animal spirit guide, the fox symbolizes the importance of being adaptable and resourceful in the face of change. Those with the fox as their spirit animal can often easily adapt to new circumstances, finding innovative ways to overcome obstacles and seize opportunities. The fox encourages individuals to embrace change as a catalyst for growth and transformation, trusting their ability to navigate life’s twists and turns with grace and resilience.

Intuition and Cunning: The fox is also associated with traits of intuition and cunning, using its keen senses and instincts to outmaneuver prey and predators alike. As an animal spirit guide, the fox symbolizes the importance of trusting in one’s intuition and following one’s inner guidance. Those with the fox as their spirit animal are often highly intuitive and perceptive, able to read between the lines and discern hidden truths. The fox encourages individuals to listen to their inner voice and trust their instincts’ wisdom, guiding them toward greater understanding and insight.

Transformation and Adaptation: In many cultures, the fox symbolizes transformation and adaptation, which is associated with the ability to change form or persona as needed. As an animal spirit guide, the fox guides individuals through periods of change and transformation, encouraging them to embrace new opportunities and experiences. Those with the fox as their spirit animal may experience periods of upheaval or uncertainty. Still, the fox reminds them that change is a natural part of the journey and that they have the resilience and adaptability to thrive.

a Horse Animal Spirit Guide running in the woods.

10. Horse Animal Spirit Guide

Symbolizing freedom, power, and grace, the horse is a majestic spirit animal guide associated with strength, courage, and endurance. Horses symbolize the importance of following our passions, embracing our inner wildness, and galloping toward our dreams. With strength, grace, and noble spirit, the horse holds profound symbolism as an animal spirit guide.

Freedom and Independence: Central to the symbolism of the horse is its association with freedom and independence. As an animal spirit guide, the horse symbolizes the importance of embracing freedom in all aspects of life. Those with the horse as their spirit animal are often drawn to experiences that allow them to roam freely and explore new physical, mental, or spiritual horizons. The horse encourages individuals to break free from limitations and restrictions, forging their path and following their heart’s desires with courage and determination.

Strength and Power: With its muscular build and powerful stride, the horse is revered for its strength and endurance. As an animal spirit guide, the horse symbolizes the importance of harnessing inner strength and power. Those with the horse as their spirit animal often possess a strong sense of resilience and determination, able to overcome obstacles with grace and fortitude. The horse encourages individuals to tap into their inner power and trust in their ability to overcome challenges and achieve their goals.

Journey and Adventure: The horse is also associated with themes of journeying and adventure, symbolizing the quest for self-discovery and spiritual growth. As an animal spirit guide, the horse guides individuals on their journey through life, encouraging them to explore new territories and expand their horizons. Those with the horse as their spirit animal may feel drawn to travel, explore, and seek new experiences that challenge and inspire them. The horse reminds individuals that life is a journey and every step is an opportunity for growth and self-discovery.

Connection and Communication: In many cultures, the horse is seen as a symbol of connection and communication, associated with the ability to form strong bonds with others. As an animal spirit guide, the horse encourages individuals to cultivate meaningful connections with others and to communicate with clarity and authenticity. Those with the horse as their spirit animal are often excellent communicators and collaborators, able to work harmoniously with others towards common goals. The horse reminds individuals that true strength lies in the bonds we form with others and the connections we nurture.

How to Find Your Spirit Animal


Before embarking on the journey to find your spirit animal, it’s essential to understand what spirit animals are and their significance. Spirit animals are spiritual entities represented by animals, believed to embody specific qualities, traits, and energies. They serve as guides and mentors, offering wisdom, protection, and support on our life journey.

Connecting with Nature

One of the most effective ways to find your spirit animal is by immersing yourself in nature. Spend time outdoors, whether in a forest, ocean, or park, and observe the animals around you. Pay attention to any recurring encounters or sightings of particular animals, as these may be signs of your spirit animal trying to communicate with you.

Meditation and Visualization

Meditation and visualization techniques can help you connect with your inner self and access the realm of spirit animals. Set aside time for quiet reflection, close your eyes, and envision yourself in a peaceful, natural setting. Invite your spirit animal to reveal itself through visualization exercises, allowing its presence to manifest in your mind’s eye.

Dreamwork and Symbolism

Dreams have long been considered a window into the subconscious mind and spirit realm. Keep a dream journal by your bedside and record any dreams or visions involving animals. Pay attention to the symbolism and messages in your dreams, as they may hold clues to your spirit animal’s identity and significance.

Shamanic Journeying

Shamanic journeying is a practice rooted in indigenous traditions that involves entering an altered state of consciousness to connect with spirit guides, including spirit animals. Through rhythmic drumming or guided meditation, embark on a journey to the spirit world, where you can meet and communicate with your spirit animal. Allow yourself to surrender to the experience and trust in the guidance you receive.

Seeking Guidance from Spiritual Practitioners

If you’re struggling to find your spirit animal alone, seeking guidance from spiritual practitioners, such as shamans, intuitive healers, or animal communicators, can be beneficial. These individuals have experience and expertise connecting with spirit animals and can offer insights, guidance, and support on your journey.

Interpreting Signs and Synchronicities

Be open to signs and synchronicities from the universe that may lead you to your spirit animal. These signs can manifest in various forms, such as animal encounters in the physical world, meaningful coincidences, or intuitive insights. Trust your intuition and follow the universe’s guidance as you find your spirit animal.

How to Use Animal Spirit Tarot Cards to Find Your Spirit Animals

A deck explains How to Use Animal Spirit Tarot Cards to Find Your Spirit Animals

Animal spirit tarot cards offer a powerful tool for connecting with the wisdom and guidance of spirit animals. Before diving into finding your spirit animals with animal spirit tarot cards, it’s essential to understand what these cards are and how they work. Animal spirit tarot cards are a specialized deck of tarot cards that feature images and symbolism of various animals, each representing different qualities, traits, and energies. These cards serve as a bridge between the physical and spiritual realms, offering insights and guidance from the wisdom of animals.

Setting Your Intention

The first step in using animal spirit tarot cards to find your spirit animals is to set your intention. Take a moment to quiet your mind, center yourself, and focus on your desire to connect with your spirit animals. Clearly state your intention to receive guidance and insight from the cards, inviting your spirit animals to reveal themselves to you through the imagery and symbolism of the cards.

Shuffling the Deck

Once you’ve set your intention, shuffle the animal spirit tarot deck while focusing on your question or intention. As you shuffle, allow your intuition to guide you, trusting that the cards will provide the guidance and insights you seek. You may ask a specific question or remain open to whatever messages the cards offer.

Drawing Cards

After shuffling the deck, draw one or more cards from the animal spirit tarot deck. As you draw each card, pay attention to the animal depicted on the card and the symbolism associated with it. Consider how the qualities and traits of the animal relate to your life circumstances, challenges, or questions. Trust your intuition and allow the imagery and symbolism of the cards to speak to you on a deeper level.

Interpreting the Cards

Once you’ve drawn your cards, interpret their meanings and messages. Consult the guidebook accompanying the animal spirit tarot deck for insights into the symbolism and interpretation of each card. Consider how the qualities and traits of the animals depicted on the cards resonate with your experiences and inner journey. Reflect on the guidance and insights the cards offer and how they may illuminate your path toward connecting with your spirit animals.

Reflecting and Integrating

After interpreting the cards, reflect on the messages you received and your insights. Consider how you can apply this guidance to your life and spiritual journey. Journaling about your experience can be a helpful way to process your thoughts and emotions and deepen your connection with your spirit animals. Remember to trust in the wisdom of the cards and the guidance of your spirit animals as you continue on your journey of self-discovery and spiritual growth.

Using animal spirit tarot cards to find your spirit animals can be a powerful and transformative experience. By setting your intention, shuffling the deck, drawing cards, interpreting their meanings, and reflecting on the insights received, you can gain valuable guidance and insight from the wisdom of animals.

Spirit Animals in Literature

Strange creatures and Spirit Animals in literature

Spirit animals, with their multifaceted symbolism and rich cultural significance, have left an indelible mark on literature throughout history. From their roles as symbols and allegorical figures to their embodiments of wisdom, guidance, and transformation, spirit animals continue to captivate readers’ imaginations and offer profound insights into the human experience. As literary motifs, they serve as conduits for exploring themes of spirituality, nature, and the interconnectedness of all living beings, inviting readers to embark on journeys of self-discovery and enlightenment.

Spirit animals frequently symbolize the natural world and humanity’s relationship to it in literature. In Jack London’s “The Call of the Wild,” the protagonist, Buck, undergoes a spiritual awakening as he embraces his wild nature and connects with his spirit animal, the wolf. Through Buck’s experiences in the wilderness, London explores themes of primal instincts, survival, and the untamed beauty of nature.

The apocalypse books often reference spirit animals and guides or gods choosing to represent themselves in animal shape. Spirit animals frequently appear as guides or mentors to protagonists, offering wisdom, guidance, and support on their journeys. Many characters encounter spirit animals in Gittens’ “Divine Apocalypse” series and other apocalyptic books. Similarly, in J.R.R. Tolkien’s “The Lord of the Rings,” Gandalf’s relationship with his spirit animal, the eagle, represents his wisdom, power, and connection to the divine.

Having a spirit animal means being attuned to the energy and wisdom of a particular animal guide. It often involves a deep connection and resonance with the qualities and characteristics of that animal. Individuals may feel drawn to a specific animal or encounter it repeatedly in dreams, visions, or real-life encounters.

A spirit animal can provide guidance, protection, and support on one’s spiritual journey. It offers insights into one’s strengths, weaknesses, potential challenges, and opportunities for growth and transformation. By honoring and working with their spirit animal, individuals can cultivate a deeper connection to themselves, nature, and the spiritual realm, leading to greater clarity, wisdom, and fulfillment.


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